My Current Planner Lineup

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There were some major changes in store 2020. Truthfully I’ve never felt as prepared or as motivated as I did for the start of the year. I made a post here that shows you exactly where my mind was then. I truly had the best intentions, but as I sit here typing this we are on day 19 of social distancing and day 7 of “shelter in place”. Needless to say things are different.

In this season of uncertainty, one of the things that is keeping me sane is my planners. So here is my current planner line-up.

Softbound Life Planner Colorful Hourly 

This is my main planner. I keep it at home and it serves as the home base planner. I track everything in it, and I find myself often referring to it to see what we have done, and what we plan on doing. This is also my creative planner, this is what I use all my sticker kits in and what I spend time on. It for sure is a “pretty planner”. Now, I do love memory planning, and I may transition this to a full-on memory planner. A lot of my time while quartering has been back-planning and writing in what we have done in the past week.

Colorful Deluxe Monthly

This is my content planner. It started off as a budget planner, but I found it difficult to keep up with daily. I moved my budgeting to 70% online and 30% on paper (I know confusing I promise I will write a blog post later describing it all) and it has worked great for me. I am still figuring out how much I want to post and what to post about, but so far this has been great to document any ideas I have regarding content.

Petite Planner Folio System 

  • Monthly Petite Planner – I use this to forward plan. This is always with me (with or without the folio). I keep it in my purse to write down doctor appointments and such.

  • Softbound focused notebook – this is my journal. Now, I go through periods of carrying this with me and not. Usually it’s there. It’s a source of comfort and something I find myself constantly reaching for.

  • Undated Daily Petite – Now I will be the first to say that I have a love-hate relationship with the daily petite planners. Some times I love them, and sometimes I go months without using them. I do love the fact that they are only 3 months at a time so I don’t feel horrible if I find myself not using them. But, for days that are extra chaotic, or when we are traveling I love having this.

Binder Daily System

With my current work from home system I took advantage of the 50% off dated planners and purchased the April – June daily pages. I have been using the daily petites on-and-off since January and this seemed like the next logical step. I bought some extra note pages and this has been a great edition as my work planner.

Additional Planners I Use

I do want to mention that there are a whole host of other planners/planner supplies that I use regularly but I wouldn’t consider them in my “planner-line up”, that I normally don’t carry them out of my house, and you may not see me post about them regularly.

I thought long and hard about each of these planners. I have lots of goals for 2020 and I have purchased all of these— with the intention of using them— to help achieve these goals. Right now we aren’t leaving the house much so I am able to interact with these planners significantly more than normal. Truthfully I would love to simplify a little, but for right now it’s perfect!

I’ll keep you all updated on what works and what doesn’t and all the changes I’m sure to make this year! Let me know what is currently working for you!


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