Review: The New Erin Condren Lap Desk

Thank you to the Erin Condren team who sent me these products for my thoughts and review. This post contains affiliate links.

Remember when “quarantine” was supposed to be two weeks working from home, and then we’d beat this whole pandemic? Yeah, well…about that. 18 months later, and those two weeks turned out to be a pipe dream. From the start, however, I committed to building a work from home setup I was proud of. John Michael and I have gone through every stage imaginable–the super productive stage, the work-from-bed stage, the can’t-get-anything-done stage. We’ve worked from every corner of the house. But the biggest fight we’ve had is over who gets to use the lap desk. I like using the lap desk in bed, he likes using it on the couch. We both like using it in the morning and at night, so invariably there’s conflict over who gets it today.

You’d think we would have purchased a second lap desk by now. But we’ve been going strong with the same cheetah-print lap desk from TJ Maxx (Was it TJ Maxx? We can’t even remember where we got it from.) The top shell is plastic, there’s a small notch to fit a notebook or a really thin tablet. The underside is full of lumpy plastic beads that conform to your lap. It’s not the nicest lap desk, but it gets the job done.

This lap desk has resurfaced recently during our move to New York City. And while we’re still outfitting our new apartment with furniture, guess what? We’re fighting over the cheetah print lap desk again. So you’d better believe I’m excited that Erin Condren is introducing, for the first time ever, a new lap desk.

Honestly, calling it a lap desk seems too simplistic it’s more like a hybrid workstation.

This is a completely new product for Erin Condren. Having a second lap desk means John Michael gets the cheetah print lap desk and I get the Erin Condren lap desk. Or will this touch off an arms race between the two of us? Honestly, we will just probably end up with two.

Here’s the deal. The hybrid work environment is here to stay. Whether you’re working mostly in an office, mostly from home, solely from home, or a mix of all of the above, keeping yourself organized and productive in any space is essential. The reality is that without an office, each room in your house will probably see action at some point. As I mentioned, I’ve worked from every corner (closets included) of the apartment. I’d love a singular, dedicated workspace, sure–but it’s not my reality at the moment. The new Erin Condren lap desk promotes efficiency regardless of your work situation.

My current situation? Working from our living room in a striped lawn chair while we wait for our couch to come in.

The construction of the Erin Condren lap desk is solid wood. It feels sturdy. The design is multi-functional. The main component is the computer riser, which has interior storage compartments. The cushion slides on top of the computer riser; together they make a traditional lap desk with an interior storage compartment. The desk riser separates from the cushion, however, and can be used as a riser + storage on a flat surface. If you’re familiar with Erin Condren’s desk organization products, this riser is like a large, solid-wood version of their organizer sets. When I’m not using the lap desk, I plan to slide the cushion off and keep the riser + storage on my desk in my studio. That is, once my desk finally arrives!

The interior storage compartments are perfect for carrying a planner, notebooks, pens, sticky notes, chargers. It’s like curating a portable workstation you can take with you! The storage lid is magnetized, so you can travel from room to room without the storage compartment tumbling open and sending your planner supplies flying. Trust me when I say that I’ve sent planner supplies flying…on more than one occasion. I appreciate the enclosure to keep everything safe.

For me, it’s not enough to just be functional, I also want products to be beautiful. There are two timeless designs for the lap desk. The first one is Mid Century Circles, a theme that features in nearly every Erin Condren product line. If you prefer something a little more understated, I recommend the Pinstripe design from the Focused Collection. I have the Pinstripe lap desk (pictured) and love it! If you’re excited to grab your very own lap desk from Erin Condren, you can snag your for $88 on the website today!

Lap Desk Specifications / Dimensions

OVERALL DIMENSIONS: 17” x 13” x 4” STORAGE / RISER: 17” x 13” x 2.75” 

  • INTERIOR COMPARTMENTS: Large compartment: 16” x 10” x 1.125” **fits all planner sizes and some accessories 

  • Small compartment: 16” x 1.75” x 1.125” **ideal for writing tools and desk accessories

  • Computer riser has 3 adjustable angles – Inside tray can hold Erin Condren planners, notepads and writing tools 

  • Storage lid is magnetized, perfect for light movement/travel. **not meant for long commutes – more like a “living room to office” commute

  • Soft pillow slides out so the storage can work on your desk 

  • Solid wood construction

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