Intentional gifts for the the person who has everything

Few things are harder than buying a gift for someone who already has everything. “Don’t get me anything,” they say, “I have everything I could possibly want!” This year—perhaps more than ever—I’m looking to give an intentional, meaningful gift to my family and friends. And it’s true, that act of intentionality is harder for the “I have everything” person. Here are 10 creative gift ideas they will surely cherish as a gift this season.

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Ember Temperature Controlled Mug

Has working from home shown you that someone near you is constantly getting up to reheat their beverages? That person needs this mug. The Ember mug comes in sleek black and white colors and it’s fully safe to hand wash. The accompanying app allows you to control the temperature so you don’t have to keep getting up! With remote work extending for many people into 2021, this is the perfect desk accessory to make it through the chilly winter months.

Hand Written Recipe Dish

This gift is a fan-favorite of mine because it’s practical and sentimental, all in one. It does require a little work on your end, and potentially some secrecy on the part of others. This company takes a handwritten recipe card and presses the writing into a serving dish. If your partner has a favorite dish, like nonna’s spaghetti and meatballs, you send a handwritten copy of the recipe to the company, which is then engraved on the plate. Perfect for anyone in your life that cooks or just hosts. When my boyfriend’s sister moved to a new city, we had her Mom handwrite her favorite recipe as a beautiful housewarming gift!

Personalized Leather Passport Holder

This Etsy shop is new to me but has tons of quality products beyond this beautiful passport holder. While this year has been tough (or nonexistent) for the travelers in our life, we hope 2021 brings travel back. And if not, this timeless gift will age beautifully as the leather patinas. You can personalize a message on the inside. so they can take a piece of you with them no matter where they go.

Kitchen Tablet Dock

For the meal-prepper in your life, this dual-use ceramic tablet dock and kitchen accessory holder is practical to keep recipes front-and-center or to watch a show while cooking. Meal prepping while bingeing Gilmore Girls and The Office has never been easier. Pro tip: To personalize this gift more, buy an online cooking class from a local cooking or baking shop and package the two together so they can christen the tablet dock during a hands-on virtual class!

Keepsake Box

These wooden keepsake boxes made by Hereafter are exceptionally well-crafted, laser cut, and customizable. Having a beautiful box to store mementos, notes, and photos is great as a Christmas present, or for an anniversary or wedding. Savor your memories and make organization easy!

Honorable Mentions

Wood & Marble Cheese Board

Who doesn’t love a good cheese board? This simple and elegant gift is ideal for hosting parties…when those are a thing again, anyway.

Coop Pillow

This adjustable loft pillow is hypoallergenic with a cross-cut memory foam fill and a washable cover. Count me in! We spend a third of our lives in bed, let’s make sure that everyone is comfortable.

Custom Wooden Ornament

These are so cute! These made- to- order ornaments are can be used to mark a special occasion or to re-create your favorite family picture!

The Our Place Always Pan

John Michael and I have not one but TWO of these pans. For someone who lives in a tiny city apartment, having a single pan with this much utility saves loads of space compared to a more expensive 10- or 12-piece pot and pan set.

An experience

And if all else fails, gift an experience! Giving an experience will stand out from other material gifts. Because of the pandemic, consider an experience-based gift card to retain some flexibility and use it when it’s safe to do so. When asked, my family has mentioned that the gift of a spa day, or ski trip, or even a long day at the beach have been some of their favorite gifts ever!

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